This order authorizes the use of video and telephone conferencing technology in light of the COVID-19 emergency.
General Order #88 (pdf)
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This order authorizes the use of video and telephone conferencing technology in light of the COVID-19 emergency.
General Order #88 (pdf)
WHEREAS, the President of the United States has declared a national emergency, and the Governor of the State of Vermont has declared a public health emergency throughout the State;
WHEREAS, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and...
On March 13, 2020, the U.S. District Court for the District of Vermont entered General Order # 84, and on March 17, 2020, this Court entered Standing Order # 20-09, to implement the guidance and recommendations of the Center for Disease Control,...
This General Order No. 86 supersedes General Order No. 85 dated March 16, 2020. It describes in greater detail the procedures and restrictions under which the District Court and the Bankruptcy Court will operate while emergency measures necessary...
In re: Modified Bankruptcy Court Procedures and Operations Under the Exigent STANDING ORDER Circumstances Created by COVID-19 # 20-09
Since the Governor of the State of Vermont has declared a public health emergency throughout the State...
Upon the request of the Office of the United States Trustee, the court is forwarding their revised NOTICE CONTINUING ALL IN-PERSON SECTION 341 MEETINGS THROUGH APRIL 10, 2020 IN THE DISTRICTS OF CONNECTICUT, NEW YORK AND VERMONT (ALL DIVISIONS...
The Centers for Disease Control having advised to take precautions in light of the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus) outbreak, and noting that the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus through, among other means, social...