Digital Audio Recording
Effective January 1, 2009 the court will no longer supply court reporters for hearings and trials. A digital audio recording will be taken of all court proceedings. Parties interested in obtaining a copy of the audio for a hearing on CD-ROM, for the established fee, may contact the Clerk's Office. Audio files may be provided in a few different formats depending on your preference. If selecting either WAV or Windows Media (WMA) formats, no special hardware or software is needed because any standard media player will work. Parties wishing to receive the audio files in their native VoiceIQ format can download a free playback utility at
Written transcripts may be obtained by following the procedure below. For transcripts of hearing prior to January 1, 2009, please contact the court reporter directly. Listing of Court Reporters
Parties preferring to have a court reporter for hearings after January 1, 2009 may make arrangements to supply a court reporter at their own expense, and should advise Courtroom Deputy (802) 657-6404 in advance.
Instructions for Ordering a Written Transcript
1) Select anyone from the list of Court Approved Transcription Services and call to request a transcript. The transcription service will advise of procedures and costs associated with your request.
2) The transcription service will contact the Clerk for a digital audio recording of your request. From the audio they will provide an original, hard-copy transcript according to the specifics of your request.3) When the transcription service you have selected contacts the Clerk, the Clerk will review its log to see if a request similar to yours has already been received. If so, and if the request has already been assigned to a different transcription service, you will be notified of which service to contact.4) You need not contact the Clerk or anyone at the Court for written transcripts.5) Neither the Clerk nor the Court recommends particular transcription services.
6) The ability of a transcription service to provide daily transcripts may vary depending on various factors such as current workload, and time requests are received. Parties anticipating the need for a daily transcript or overnight are strongly encouraged to make arrangements with the transcription service in advance.
General Information Regarding Transcripts
Vt. LBR 5007 - RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS & TRANSCRIPTS; ENSURING PRIVACY IN TRANSCRIPTS for guidelines regarding redaction procedures.